Miras Daliya


Miras Daliya

Miras Daliya

Crime Fiction, Thriller, Suspense, Poetry, Christian Nonfiction, Religion & Spirituality

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  • Member Since

    Sep 2021

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    United States

  • Born

    4 August

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Riding motorcycles, midnight walks, stargazing, sunrise and sunset watching, as well as hiking with dogs are all just a little bit of what I do to get myself writing and stay away from crowds. They also help me in just enjoying life.
Time spent alone can never go to waste.Just make sure it's productive. I live in a productive reality. Spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, socially, financially what I do must be productive. EVERYDAY! I refuse to be lazy and conform to laziness even on special occasions and holidays.
I love working harder in the last week of the year when nobody even bothers. I love being thankful every day of the year other than Thanksgiving day. I choose to spend time and speak with people that are like minded or have high aspirations. I love people that are driven and don't conform to weakness as well as sensitivity.

Miras Daliya Books

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